Last week lesson. 

This past week was horrible for me, I was sick (that’s putting it mildly) and I was in the hospital for five days. I caught an infection from some sick person. And it kicked my butt seven ways to the moon. I was terrified, I could have needed a blood transfusion, and there was a point where I just couldn’t do it and I was ready to go. 

All of that now has my mind thinking, wandering, and just babbling. 

What would have been if I met Guy sooner. We did go to rival high schools. Would we have been ready for each other? Did we need to grow and learn so many lessons in order to accept and respect each other. I know me as a person, and I know I would have stayed true and waited for him while he was deployed. Would that have made things easier for him? 

He told me that I’m the first woman to accept and love him for all that he is. The good, the annoying, the dark, the light. I remember when it would bother him that I understood him, and he would go “you don’t know me”. Sorry sweetie, I do. I see you. I know you. I love you for all of you. 

None of that matters, we’re together now. I’m so happy to be loved and cared for. 

Just like your life, or that person’s life, they’re are sad and ugly parts in mine. I’m not afraid of them. I’m not going to hide them. This is me. And someone loves me for me!

Tell your family, your friends, someone special that you love them. Anything can happen. Monday, I was feeling great, worked out for an hour. Tuesday, I was laying on the bathroom floor with a heart rate of 130 and getting in an ambulance. Axl peeking his head, and crying as I was taken away (says my dad). I didn’t know that would happen. 

We don’t know. So live. Live the best you can and be honest to yourself. 

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